Señor Usuario

Usted se ha contactado a la línea de Ágora Bogotá, para recibir información acerca del centro de convenciones Usted deberá suministrar una serie de datos personales los cuales serán usados y tratados conforme se indica en el siguiente LINK.
Corferias entiende que con el envío de la información Usted ha aceptado la finalidad y el tratamiento presentado.

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Manuals and downloadable material

Free Trade Zone Manual

Here you will find the necessary information to understand the characteristics of the Special Permanent Free Trade Zone operated by Corferias, Corporación de Ferias y Exposiciones S.A.

Signaling manual

Here you will find the correct graphic management of the corporate image of third parties within the centre, the rules for placing material in the different areas and the spaces available for publicity such as escalators, elevators, digital screens, pivoted doors, columbines, mirrors and revolving doors.

Capabilities chart

Here you will find the capabilities of all the rooms, lobbies and terraces of Ágora Bogota, as well as the different dispositions that can be achieved in them: event or plenary, class, banquet, exhibition, cocktail or board of Directors.

Architectural plans

Here you will find the plans of the five floors of Ágora Bogota, where you can check the distribution and capacity of the different spaces and the items that are part of each one of them.

Biosecurity standards considerations for trade shows and events

Here you will find the biosecurity standards considerations for trade shows and events.

Certification of cleaning and disinfection of goods and elements that enter the fairground

Here you will find the certification of cleaning and disinfection of goods and elements that enter the fairground.

Instructions for biosecurity protocols stand or physical spaces

Here you will find the instructions for biosecurity protocols stand or physical spaces